Experience Playbooks

Ensuring A Consistent Customer Experience

No matter the size, every brand needs the proper tools to ensure the desired brand experience is implemented and realized by every employee, including those who work externally. 

Experience playbooks are designed to clearly articulate and communicate a consistent and authentic brand experience for each customer.

At Starfish, our experience playbooks include the following key elements to galvanize stakeholders and promote, uphold, and amplify brand reputation.

How We Speak: Express consistent methods on how Benedictine employees should communicate.

Vision: Identify the “True North” we should convey to our target audience.

Purpose: Identify a fully flushed-out purpose statement leaning on current aspects of the BX and our goals.

How We Act: Create standardized practices that highlight key behaviors for employees and constituents. 

Interested in Starfish’s brand experience playbooks? Contact us today.


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